Tshirts are some of the most popular and common souvenirs, and we often find ourselves commemorating our trips or experiences by wearing it proudly for all to see. But what about the places we see and visit every day? The places that we often take for granted simply due to our vicinity or frequency of attendance.
In photography, the term "golden hour" is the time of day about an hour before the sun sets over the horizon when you can find soft diffused light beaming over the landscape. This lighting is not only ideal for photographs, but it's also the most beautiful time to take in the views of the places that we live and love.
The Golden Hour Tees symbolize and remind us to "find the good light" and appreciate the seemingly ordinary. The not Disneyland, but instead, our own North Country backyards and hometowns.
ever heard the phrase
"been there, got the tshirt" ?
ever heard the phrase "been there, got the tshirt" ?